Brain Health Day, Saturday 18 March, Manchester Central Library – A showcase of world-leading research into stroke, dementia, brain tumours
Some of Greater Manchester’s world-leading brain scientists will showcase their work in a day of activities and talks at Manchester Central Library on Saturday 18 March.
The brain controls everything we do or think but one in six of us will be affected by a neurological condition in our lifetime. Brain tumours, stroke and dementia are three of the most devastating conditions and we currently have few effective treatments for the 16.5 million people in England – and millions more worldwide – who have a neurological condition.
The Brain Health Day, hosted by our Centre, will be a chance for anyone to hear about Manchester’s role in ground-breaking research, discover more about how the brain works, and ask questions of leading scientists.
Co-Director of the Geoffrey Jefferson Brain Research Centre and Professor of Neuroscience at The University of Manchester, Professor Stuart Allan, said, “I am really excited about the Brain Health Day. Conditions that affect the brain have a major impact on society. We need to all work together to find out what most affects the quality of life of those with neurological disease. In doing so we can then find the new treatments and care pathways urgently required. The Brain Health Day provides a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness of these important issues and engage with the wider public across Greater Manchester.”
Renowned poet Lemn Sissay OBE will be performing his poem ‘Find Me’, describing the emotional impact of a stroke on its survivors. In addition, two former patients who have taken part in research and now help to make sure that it is relevant and meaningful for those affected will lead a question-and-answer session.
Visitors will be able to see what the brain looks like under a microscope, how magnets are being used to spot early signs of Alzheimer’s disease and hear about how brain tumours start and spread. Researcher of neuroimaging at The University of Manchester and speaker on the day, Dr Hamied Haroon, said: “Public engagement in science is what fuels academic research. Without public interest, we wouldn’t receive critical funding and the rate of scientific progress in many fields would be much slower. I am really excited to publicly share my research in brain imaging, using cutting edge physics to identify early indicators of Alzheimer’s and other devastating conditions.”
Full details are available at https://stroke-impact.org/brain-health-day/ where you can also register for the talks taking place on the day. The event is recommended for people over the age of 14 with an interest in learning about what happens in the brain.