First in vivo evidence of increased TSPO expression and inflammation in brains of patients with growing sporadic vestibular schwannomas
Non-auditory symptoms can be a prominent feature in patients with sporadic vestibular schwannoma (VS), but the cause of these symptoms is unknown. The team have demonstrated for the first time in vivo, using a dedicated PET tracer, that in patients with growing sporadic VS, there is widespread translocator protein (TSPO) upregulation within normal-appearing brain regions, indicative of microglial activation. They further demonstrated, through a voxel-wise cluster analysis, that this TSPO upregulation occurs within the non-auditory motor and premotor frontal lobe regions. This work provides an important possible pathophysiological explanation for the non-audio vestibular and neuropsychological symptoms experienced by patients with sporadic VS and a potential future therapeutic target (i.e. reversible inflammation) for these symptoms.
Read the paper here: https://doi.org/10.1093/noajnl/vdae094