Double success for GJBRC researchers
Projects supervised by Stuart Allan and Craig Smith and Michael Harte, Andrew Greenhalgh and Stuart Allan have been awarded funding through the dual-award PhD programme between the University of Melbourne and University of Manchester (https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-research/golden/melbourne/). The dual-award scheme brings together research teams between the two institutions with a PhD student assigned to each. Manchester based students must spend at least 12 months in Melbourne and vice versa for Melbourne based students. This is a highly competitive scheme with just six dual awards (twelve students) made across both Universities in all disciplines. For our researchers to secure two of these awards is therefore a fantastic achievement.
The project with Michael Harte as lead will investigate inflammatory and neuronal mechanisms that underly cognitive dysfunction in mild traumatic brain injury (concussion) while the project led by Stuart Allan will investigate immune/inflammatory mechanisms after stroke and how these contribute to post-stroke dementia.